måndag 10 september 2012

Just idag har jag gulliga tår

Det händer alltid så mycket här att det är svårt att hålla reda på dagarna. Fast idag har jag varit full medveten om att det har varit på måndag, känns som om jag gått runt i någon slags dimma hela dagen. Så jag gjorde som min mormor alltid brukar göra, jag sov.

Så, hur ska jag förklara helgens alla händelser utan att det blir en uppsats på tre sidor?
Okey I make it simple for me, the weekend was great and I had a really good time. Friday night, I hanged out with some friends from school, we were sitting by Themsen, talking and singing. On Saturday it was barbequetime with the school and then me and three other girls went out clubbing in central London.

Yesterday Lady Gaga was in town so me and some girls had a picnic outside the arena, sicka snåljåpar!

Sådärja, now you know. And I probably should call the house of Parlament and make sure that the word snåljåp goes in to the English dictionary.

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